
from Beppu


到着初日は、大雨でばたばた 翌日は、曇りだったので島の南端までお散歩


from Beppu


 My stay at theTokashiki Guesthouse belongs to the nicest holiday experiences
I have ever made. First of all , there is the island's ecosystem which is outstanding
to be followed by very friendly atmospere of locals. The climax of my personal
experience has been Tesuji and his family. Without doubt I can say that they are
of the nicest kind you can imagine. Good luck for the future and may be our way
will cross again.
Philipp Rosenthal

Tetsuji-san,our stay in Tokashiki was perfect thanks for you and your wife(and
kids :p) You are really kind and helpfull.
I will recommend the log cottage to everybody . Also ,as you know ,we are very
intersted in the optimization potentials of the island,so for sure you will hear
from us in the near future..... Muchas gracias,amigo!
Angel Auadi

Vielen dank! We had a nice time Tokashiki island. We will exchange pictures later.
Best wishes for your family
Evelyne Soemer

Thanks a lot for your kind hospitality. I really enjoyed the time on Tokashiki and
the dinner with you and your family.
Please let us know if you come to Germany one day. Alles Gute.
Nina Runge



Posted by テツジ at 13:24│Comments(0)